Everyday Chronicle / Mala Kronika / Dnevna kronika


Vatroslav Mimica (Zagreb film)
1962, Yugoslavia (Croatia), 11'

In an unrealistic world made from a mashup of analogue animation techniques, a blind man and dog that look as if they came from Hollywood cartoons, are estranged from the crowd that automatically walks, talks, works, dances, kisses in the environment built from rust and machineries. When they accidentally part their ways, their identities and aspirations transform as well.

V nerealističnem svetu, ustvarjenem z uporabo analognih animacijskih tehnik, sta slepec in pes, ki sta videti kot iz hollywoodskih risank, odtujena od množice, ki samodejno hodi, govori, dela, pleše in se poljublja v okolju, zgrajenem iz rje in strojev. Ko se njune poti po naključju razidejo, se spremenijo tudi njune identitete in želje.

Language: Croatian
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Cut-out animation


Script: Vatroslav Mimica, Zvonimir Berković 
Music: Ljiljana Jojić, Mladen Prebil
Animation: Vladimir Jutriša
Scenography: Mladen Pejaković


Vatroslav Mimica (1923-2020)

is a filmmaker and animator born in 1981 in Finland. After graduating from Turku Arts Academy in 2011 he became an active member of several Finnish animation collectives that work on both commercial and artistic projects. The collective work includes animated films as well as art installations for exhibitions. Männistö has directed films such as The Trap (2008), Swarming (2011) and Electric Soul (2013), which have all been screened at numerous international festivals. His filmography includes collective productions Re-Cycling (2014) and Wormhole (2016), in which he worked as one of the animation artists. In addition to filmmaking Männistö has worked as a visiting teacher at the Turku Arts Academy and he is a co-founder and artistic director of Turku Animated Film Festival. In 2019 he joined the PÖFF Shorts programming team for animated films. Männistö currently lives and works in Tallinn as a freelance artist.

Natalija Bračko