Pretty Stare / Mirada Bella / Lep pogled


Luz Andrea Sierra
2023, Chile, 4'

Uma, a black cat, is transported to the parallel world of her own house after chasing a laser and crossing a magical portal. There, she must face the skeleton of a chihuahua, her owner's first pet, in order to return to her home.

Črna mačka Uma, se po tem, ko je zasledovala laser in prestopila čarobni portal, transportira v vzporedni svet lastnega doma. Tukaj se mora soočiti s skeletom čivave, prvega ljubljenčka svoje lastnice, da bi se vrnila domov.


Language: Spanish
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation


Script: Luz Sierra
Animation: Victor Mora
Music: Chica Rica
Art Director: Antonia Piña
Producer: Luz Andrea


Luz Sierra

Born in Santiago, Chile in 1991, she is a Chilean filmmaker specializing in directing, cinematography, and holding a degree in documentary filmmaking. In 2017, she received a scholarship to the video clip residency at the Proceso de Error - International Experimental Video Festival INVE. Currently, she is the director of SintéticaTV, an audiovisual platform dedicated to recording and promoting live sessions for Chilean and Latin American electronic music artists. Throughout her audiovisual career, which has always been closely connected to music and visual arts, she has notably directed various music videos for national bands, leading her to participate in both festivals and discussions of a similar nature. She has also served as the Director of Photography for the stop-motion children's series Zander, the second season of the web series Psicoticas Inseguras, and the short film Los Encuadres Olvidados, which was selected for the International Film Festival of Cúcuta - FICCU (2018).

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Natalija Bračko