Palimpsest / Armat-Azmat, آرمات - أزمات / Palimpsest
Miha Vipotnik
2023, Lebanon, 6'51''
The original idea was based on the Palimpsest concept, mirrored on billboard advertising panels throughout Lebanon. Billboards alone are showing us an unprecedented crisis that the country is going through and has multiple and complicated facets. Like a draft of the key sequence saturated with crumbled remains of commercial and political ads, it shows the starting point of the whole story, intertwining the artistic and the commercial, the avant-garde and kitsch.
Prvotna zamisel je temeljila na konceptu palimpsesta, ki se odraža na oglasnih panojih po vsem Libanonu. Že sami oglasni panoji prikazujejo krizo brez primere, v kateri se je država znašla, ki ima poleg tega še številne in zapletene razsežnosti. Kot osnutek ključnega zaporedja, nasičen z zdrobljenimi ostanki komercialnih in političnih oglasov, prikazuje izhodišče celotne zgodbe, v kateri se prepletajo umetniško in komercialno, avantgarda in kič.
Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: AI-assisted , Pixilation, Puppet animation, Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Object animation, Cut-out animation
Animation: Tony Keyrouz, Miha Vipotnik, Daniel Choueiry
Music: Ziad Moukarzel, Mark Abou Farhat
Miha Vipotnik (1954)
is a cross-disciplinary and multimedia artist, painter, and TV and film director. In 1987, he went to the USA as a Fullbright scholar and he continued a graduate course in film. Between 1989 and 1994, he worked for the film industry in Los Angeles.