Does planting trees actually cool the Planet? / Ali sajenje dreves dejansko hladi naš planet?


Ivana Volda, Thomas Volda (TED-Ed)
2023, Croatia, USA, 5'27''

In fighting climate change, few solutions are more discussed than planting lots and lots of trees. Carolyn Beans explores strategies to successfully re-green the planet.

V boju proti podnebnim spremembam je le malo rešitev, o katerih se razpravlja bolj kot o sajenju velikega števila dreves. Carolyn Beans raziskuje strategije za uspešno ozelenitev planeta.


Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation, Loose materials animation (sand, coffee, salt, etc.), Object animation, Cut-out animation, Paint-on-glass


Script: Carolyn Beans
Animation: Ivana Volda, Thomas Volda
Music: Stephen LaRosa
Producer: Sazia Afrin, Gerta Xhelo
Distribution: Ivana Volda


Ivana Volda (1983, Karlovac, Croatia)

graduated from the Graphics department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, and from the Animation department at the University in Volda, Norway.

Thomas Volda (Bath, England, 1984)

graduated from Time Based Media department at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, and from the New Media department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb.

The couple met in Volda, Norway in 2010 after which they moved together to Zagreb and have since worked in collaboration on a number of projects. In addition to making her own animated short films, Ivana has been professionally involved in various stop motion projects across Europe, and has led animation workshops for children and students. Thomas continues to utilise his multidisciplinary background often combining animation and performance art disciplines into his work. He has created puppet performances at international festivals and galleries across Europe. In 2023, together with friend Iva Kraljević, they have established an artist organisation named Underfeather.

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Natalija Bračko