Butterfly / Leptir / Metulj
Sunčana Brkulj (Adriatic Animation, Late Love Production)
2024, Croatia, Denmark, 8'07''
A community of garden creatures all contribute to the flow of life using water from a fountain. When a butterfly gets stuck in the fountain, they’re faced with an unfamiliar situation.
Skupnost vrtnih bitij z uporabo vode iz fontane prispeva k toku življenja. Ko v njej obtiči metulj, se znajdejo v neznanem položaju.
Language: No
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Clay animation, Other: 2D animation
Script: Sunčana Brkulj
Animation: Sunčana Brkulj, Claudia Munskgaard Palmqvist
Music: Sofie Birch
Backgrounds and props design: Sunčana Brkulj, Sara Bernat
Sound design: Alfred Bundgaard, Lukas Engelbreckt Jorgensen
Sound mix: Thomas Richard Christensen
Producer: Draško Ivezić
Co-producer: Lana Tankosa Nikolić
Distribution: Bonobostudio
Sunčana Brkulj (1997)
earned her MA in animation from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Her student films have been selected for screenings at prestigious festivals in Annecy, Ottawa, Zagreb, Stuttgart, and elsewhere, winning several awards. After graduating, Sunčana undertook a residency at Open Workshop in Viborg, where she made her first professional film, Butterfly.
Butterfly (2024)
Stinky in the Dark Forest (2022, graduation film)
The Tower (2020, student film)
I'm Not Feeling Very Well (2019, student film)
The Sensitive Prince (2018, student film)
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