Sandra Jovanovska: Organic stop motion animation


An exhibition on the dimensions of sustainability in stop motion animation

25. - 29. 9. 2024 / Vetrinj Mansion, Maribor

Exhibition opening: Wednesday, 25. 9. 2024

Through a behind-the-scenes look at the animation No one ever looked at elephants as you do (currently in post-production), Sandra Jovanovska's exhibition invites the spectator into the world of organic stop motion animation. The various stop motion animation techniques used in the film, such as object animation, silhouette or shadow animation, collage animation, puppet animation, pixilation, clay animation and time-lapse filming, will be presented in the exhibition as milestones in the discovery of eco-conscious approaches to film production.

The animated film No one ever looked at elephants as you do is produced by Staragara with the support of the Slovenian Film Centre (SFC) and Creative Europe MEDIA. It is a visual exploration of the organic bond between mother and child in stop motion animation. It was developed in the framework of the CEE Animation Workshop, won the Animateka PRO Pitch in 2021 and will premiere in 2025.

Sandra Jovanovska

born in Skopje in 1990, is a young multimedia artist working in the field of audiovisual art. After completing her undergraduate studies in French and English, she obtained her Master's degree in Media Arts and Practices at the Academy of Arts, University of Nova Gorica. She works in various fields of art and culture as a film educator, festival programmer and researcher. Her creative work often integrates experimental, new forms of expression in an attempt to explore the real, the imaginary, the artificial, the natural, the intuitive, the poetic and translate them into audiovisual sensibilities. Her animated film Soma, which has won seven awards and been screened at over forty regional and international festivals, places her among the young up-and-coming artists in the field of film animation. She currently resides on the border between Slovenia and Italy and is completing her first professional animated film.

Kaja Fiedler