Steps to Fly / Pasos para Volar / Koraki do letenja


Nicolas Conte, Rosario Carlino (Osa Estudio, Vivement Lundi !)
2024, Argentina, France, 9'11''

Locked in a room with a fan, a Bird teaches a Little Bird how to fly, even though he has no wings. The appearance of a mysterious briefcase will interfere with the Bird's plans and will reveal to the Little Bird an unexpected possibility of escape.

Ptica, zaprta v sobi z ventilatorjem, uči ptička, kako leteti, čeprav ta nima kril. Pojav skrivnostnega kovčka bo Ptici prekrižal načrte in Ptičku razkril nepričakovano možnost pobega.


Language: None
Technique: Puppet animation


Script: Maria Rosario Carlino, Nicolas Conte
Animation: Daniel Marin, Yuliana Brutti, Marina Lisasuain, Malena Martinez
Music: Nicolás Giecco, Facundo Verón
Distribution: Vivement Lundi !


Rosario Carlino

Scriptwriter, director and producer. She studied film and television at the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. In 2013 she founded OSA animation studio from where she produces series and short films, created to touch people talking about childhood, politics, mental lives, diversity and animals. She is secretary in the board of directors of Apa, the association of animation producers of Córdoba, and coordinator of Apa Lab, the Latin American Laboratory for the Development of Animation Projects, and RIA, the International Animation Residency.

Nicolas Conte

is an independent producer, director and animator from Benito Juarez, Province of Buenos Aires. His productions toured hundreds of festivals around the world. Yo te quiero (2014), his graduation short film was selected in more than 175 festivals being awarded with 33 prizes. In 2015 he directed La Tierra en mis manos a children's miniseries and in October 2019 he premieres Entre Baldosas his second short film.

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Natalija Bračko