Playing God / Igrati boga


Matteo Burani (Studio Croma)
2024, Italy, France, 9'

A clay sculpture comes to life in the darkness of a workshop, surrounded by strange creatures…

Glinena skulptura oživi v temačni delavnici, obdana z nenavadnimi bitji …


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Pixilation, Clay animation, Puppet animation


Script: Matteo Burani, Gianmarco Valentino
Animation: Arianna Gheller
Music: Pier Danio Forni
Editing: Gianmarco Valentino, Matteo Burani
Graphic Design, Art Direction: Matteo Burani, Arianna Gheller
Sets: Sole Piccininno, Matteo Burani
Compositing: Pierre Morin, Saliha Sittler
Special Effects: Chiara Ziveri
Camera: Guglielmo Trautvetter
Music: Pier Danio Forni
Sound Design, Sound Editing: Quentin Robert
Foley: Ivan Savelyev
Mix: Raphael Seydoux
Producer: Arianna Gheller


Matteo Burani

is an Italian stop motion director. His experience in the field began when he founded Studio Croma in 2010. He began his career in animation as a self-taught puppet maker and character designer working on several stop motion projects over the years. Experimenting with different artistic languages in the field of animation, he began his career as a director by directing various videoclips, commercials and short films. Currently he is responsible for the puppet department supervision, the direction and the screenwriting of Studio Croma's projects.

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Natalija Bračko