

Raquel Sancinetti
2023, Canada, 15'

Every week, Raquel (41), a Brazilian immigrant, visits her friend Madeleine (107) in her retirement home in Montreal and tries to convince her to get out of the house. The senior woman refuses: she has nothing else to do outside.

Vsak teden Raquel (41), brazilska imigrantka, obišče svojo prijateljico Madeleine (107) v domu za ostarele v Montrealu in jo skuša prepričati, naj gre malo ven. Starejša gospa se upira: zunaj nima več kaj za početi.


Language: French
Recommended for children under the age of 14: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation, Object animation


Script: Raquel Sancinetti
Animation: Anna Berezowsky, Marie Valade, Raquel Sancinetti, Laura Vendetti
Music: Sacha Ratcliffe
Director of photography: Stéphanie-Anne Weber Biron
Producer: Raquel Sancinetti
Distribution: La Distributrice de films


Raquel Sancinetti

is a Brazilian-Canadian filmmaker living in Montreal. With a background in film post-production, she earned her degree in Film Animation at Concordia University in 2013. Since then, she has been working on independent films. Her latest work, the animated documentary short film Madeleine (2023) was selected to 40+ festivals (Hot Docs, Slamdance, Regard) and has won 11 awards, including Best Documentary Short at Edmonton International Film Festival and the Grand Jury Award at Uppsala Short Film Festival, that made the film eligible for the Oscars.

Natalija Bračko