Hello Summer / Ahoj leto / Pozdrav poletje


Martin Smatana,  Veronika Zacharová (Studio Bororo, MAUR film, Last Films, Vivement Lundi !)
2024, Slovakia, Czech Republic, France, 10'45''

Sea, sun, beaches and family holidays. Just pick your dream destination from the catalogue, pack your bags and hit the road. But what if the hotel isn’t as stellar as promised, your room has a bit of a naughty view, the dinner is surprisingly exotic and your  luggage travels independently. Family above all!

Morje, sonce, plaže in družinske počitnice. V katalogu izberite svojo sanjsko destinacijo, spakirajte kovčke in se odpravite na pot. Toda kaj, če hotel ni tako zvezdniški, kot je bilo obljubljeno, če ima vaša soba malce poreden pogled, če je večerja presenetljivo eksotična in če vaša prtljaga potuje samostojno. Družina pred vsem!


Language: None
Technique: Object animation


Script: Martin Smatana, Veronika Zacharová
Animation: David Stumpf, Martin Smatana, Barbora Halirova, Ivan Strobl, Filip Diviak
Music: Aliaksandr Yasinski
Distribution: Bear With Me Distribution


Martin Smatana (1991 Slovakia)

is a graduate of Animation at FAMU in Prague. His debut short film Rosso Papavero (2015) premiered at Berlinale 2015 and won 15 international awards. His graduation film The Kite premiered at Berlinale 2019, was selected to the semifinals of Student Academy Awards, included in the Film Collection of MoMA (Museum of Modern Art in New York) and won over 60 international awards including Children Audience Awards in Annecy and Stuttgart. Martin recently released an illustrated book “A Year of Good News” and finished the new animated film Hello Summer.


Veronika Zacharová

studied graphic design, from which she turned to animated film and illustration. During her studies at UTB Zlín, she made several short animated films, mainly for children. The films What Happened at the Zoo, The Bearytales and the graduate film ""House"" were screened and awarded at festivals around the world. She is the author of the visual and opening video of the Anifilm festival 2019. At the Prague based studio Krutart she worked as director and animator on the award-winning animated spots Jak to snáší (Anifilm Commissioned work, 2018), Seicha Matcha (ADC Czech Creative Awards, 2018) and others. She currently works as animator at Amanita Design and partly as freelance illustrator.

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Natalija Bračko