Carrotica / Korenjerotika


Daniel Sterlin-Altman (Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF)
2024, Germany, 13'08''

A teenage boy is writing an explicit gay erotica in secrecy in his bedroom and his mother is falling in love with a carrot. They're doing okay…

Najstnik v svoji sobi na skrivaj piše eksplicitno gejevsko erotično literaturo, medtem ko se njegova mama zaljublja v korenček. Vredu sta …


Language: English
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation


Script: Daniel Sterlin-Altman
Animation: Daniel Sterlin-Altman, Anselm Mende
Cinematography: Philip Köhler
Editing: Daniel Sterlin-Altman 
VFX: Valentino Rentz
Sound: Enrique Cuesta 
Sound Mixing: Anastasiia Nasonkina
Music: Lena Radivoj, Felix Gayed
Original score: Lena Radivoj
Set design: Daniel Sterlin-Altman, Laura Thiele
Costumes: Theresa Velten
Producer: Luis Morat
Line producer: Anne-Kathrin Seemann
Additional voices: Samson Fischer, Johanna Buntgarten, Oliver Eastwood, Allen Bailey
Production: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11, D-14482 Potsdam,
Distribution: Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, Marlene-Dietrich-Allee 11, D-14482 Potsdam,


Daniel Sterlin-Altman (he/him)

is Canadian animation filmmaker based in Berlin, Germany. Specialising in stop-motion animation techniques, Daniel is a storyteller with an eye for nuance and emotion, with works exploring family, sexuality, and identity through a range of genre. Combining camp, absurdity, comedy and realism, his works ressemble a world at once subdued and wild. An MFA holder in Animation Direction from the Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF in Potsdam, Daniel has directed several independent short films as well as commissioned works that have displayed and won awards in festivals worldwide, including Filmfest Dresden, Ottawa International Animation Festival, Annecy International Animation, and Outfest Los Angeles LGBT Film Festival. He is also an active collaborator with the intersectional queer collective, Critical Queer Solidarity, and facilitates politically-minded animation workshops throughout Germany.

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Natalija Bračko