Beyond the Face / Onkraj Obraza


Anja Resman (SPOK Films, University of Nova Gorica)
2024, Slovenia, Croatia, 9'50''

While cleaning his apartment after the death of his father, a young boy experiences memories from his childhood that he has deeply repressed in his subconscious.

Med čiščenjem svojega stanovanja po očetovi smrti mlad fant podoživlja spomine iz svojega otroštva, ki jih je potlačil globoko v svojo podzavest.


Language: None
Recommended for children under the age of 14: No
Technique: Puppet animation


Script: Anja Resman
Animation: Ivana Bošnjak, Julia Peguet, Thomas Johnson Volda, Bartosz Kotarski, Anja Resman
DOP: Miloš Srdić 
Set design and puppets: Robert Resman, Anja Resman
Compositing: Mark Bizilj 
Costume Design: Katja Richter 
Editing Iva Kraljević 
Sound Design: Julij Zornik 
Poducers: Jožko Rutar, Boštjan Potokar, Miha Černec 
Co-producers: Kolja Saksida, Katarina Prpić, Danijel Pek
Coproduction with: Tramal Films, ZVVIKS, RTV Slovenia, Antitalent


Anja Resman (1997)

is a Slovenian animator, film director and creator of animated films. After graduating at Secondary school of design and photography in Ljubljana she created her first short stop motion animated film Anabel (2016). In her second year of college she created a short film Wake Up (2018). Beyond the Face is her master short film at School of Arts University of Nova Gorica.

Natalija Bračko