Thursday, 28. 9. 2023 at 19.30 / OBRAT


Marcin Giżycki was not only a prominent film and art historian, critic, and filmmaker, an academic lecturer in Poland and the US, and an Artistic Director of the ANIMATOR Festival, but also - which only a few realize - a photographer and creator of funny collages and drawings. At the exhibition, we will present Marcin's collages and selected stills from his films, as well as the films themselves.

We are wholeheartedly grateful to Agnieszka Taborska for making this exhibition possible.

Curated and introduced by Piotr Kardas.

Piotr Kardas

is an independent Animator of the Animation World; initiator and director of ANIMATION ACROSS BORDERS (2012-), O!PLA Animation Festival in Poland (2013-), Rising of Lusitania - AnimaDoc Film Festival (2019-); Co-creator and programme director of CRAFT International Animation Festival in Yogyakarta (Java, Indonesia); coordinator of Polish chapter of StopTrik International Film Festival (2016-); frequent curator and juror at various animated film festivals.

OBRAT - space for art and participation (Trg revolucije 9, Maribor) will host the exhibition until October 28th, 2023. It will be open every workday between 1 PM and 6 PM.

Natalija Bračko