The Hand / Ręka / Roka


Mirosław Kijowicz (Studio Miniatur Filmowych)

1974, Poland, 2'32''

The bureaucrat is looking at you.

Birokrat te gleda.

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Techniques: Cut-out animation

Artistic collaborators: Magdalena Barycz, Bohdan Mazurek, Jan Tkaczyk, Janusz Skorża


Mirosław Kijowicz

is a director of animated films, art director, screenwriter. In 1960-1966, he was related to Studio Filmów Rysunkowych in Bielsko-Biała, from 1966 – with Studio Miniatur Filmowych in Warsaw; 1982-84 – a lecturer at Villanova University in the U.S. Since 1966, a member of the Polish Filmmakers Association; 1987-1991 – a member of the Cinematography Committee; a member of the World Association of AK Soldiers (Krzyż Walecznych, Krzyż AK).
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Natalija Bračko