A Portrait From Our Century / Egy portré századunkból / Portrat iz našega stoletja


Sandor Reisenbüchler (Béla Balázs Studio BBS)

1965, Hungary, 10'50''

“While the references to the director’s personal life (most probably) only make sense to those familiar with his biography, the philosophical, subtly crafted voice-over of the film is more connotative and evocative. Censors must have been right to see hints of Hungary’s Stalinist political system of the early 1950s and of the uprising in 1956; the film was not permitted for public screenings.” (Annaida Orosz)

»Medtem ko so reference na režiserjevo osebno življenje (najverjetneje) smiselne le za tiste, ki poznajo njegovo biografijo, je fiolozofski in subtilno oblikovan komentatorski glas bolj pomenljiv in evokativen. Cenzorji so najbrž imeli prav, ko so v filmu videli namige na stalinistični politični sistem Madžarske v zgodnjih 50. letih in upor leta 1956; javna predvajanja filma so bila prepovedana.« (Annaida Orosz)

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Techniques: collage, photography, cut-out


Sandor Reisenbüchler

Between 1953 and 1957 he studied at the Lenin Institute, the at the ELTE University. In 1964 he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts. Originally he wanted to become a documentary filmmaker, but then he became more interested in animation and taught himself to draw. Since 1964 he has working for the Pannonia Film Studio. He directed his first film 'A Portrait from Our Century' in 1965. He works alone usually with collage technique. He helps teach and educate young artists. 1964: Outbreak / Kitörés (with Pál Sándor) 1965: A Portrait from Our Century / Egy portré századunkból 1968: Sun and Moon Carried off / A Nap és a Hold elrablása 1969: When I was a Little Child... / Amikor én még kissrác voltam 1970: The Age of Savagery / Barbárok ideje 1972: The Year 1812 / Az 1812-es év 1975: Moon-flight / Holdmese 1978: Panic / Pánik 1981: Aviation Chronicle / Gépmadár-avatás 2895-ben New York Cityben 1983: A Peacemaking Expedition / Békéltető expedíció a Mars bolygóra 1987: So Long, Little Island! / Isten veled, kis sziget! 1991: Allegro vivace / Allegro vivace 1992: Green Advice For Every Day / Zöld tanácsok minden napra 1993: Green Warnings For Every Year / Zöld intelmek minden napra 1996: Ecotopia / Ecotopia 1997: Mayakovsky's Moscow / Majakovszkij Moszkvája 1999: Merry Apocalypse / Boldog világvége 2002: The Advent of Light / A fény pillanata

Source: https://nfi.hu/en/cast/sandor-reisenbuchler 

Read more

Anna Ida Orosz. Collages from the Underground. How documentary methods emerged in Hungarian animation during the 1960s, [in] Propaganda, Ideology, Animation. Twisted Dreams of History, eds. Olga Bobrowska, Michał Bobrowski, Bogusław Zmudziński, Kraków 2019, pp. 118-134.


Natalija Bračko