The Torrential Melody / La melodía torrencial / Deževna melodija
José Luis Saturno (Enjambre Hexagonal)
2022, Mexico, 6'55''
A town suffering a long drought entrusts its destiny to a wandering musician who has the power to bring rain with his accordion´s music.
Mesto, ki trpi zaradi dolgotrajne suše, preda svojo usodo v roke potujočega glasbenika, ki ima sposobnost priklicati dež z zvokom svoje harmonike.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film
Written and directed: José Luis Saturno
Animation and Photography Director: Sylvie Trouvé
Music: Robin Servant
Storyboard: Yann Ben Alluch
Visual Effects: Jack Carr
Producer: José Luis Saturno, Paloma Cabrera
José Luis Saturno
Majored in Film Animation at Concordia University, Montreal. Founder of Enjambre Hexagonal. His career oscillates between animation and live-action, and his life between Canada and Mexico. With his filmography he has participated in over 100 film festivals in at least 36 countries. For the Torrential Melody, he was recently awarded at festivals such as Fantasia International Film Festival, Festival International De Cine de Ciudad Madero, la Muestra de Cine de Coahuila 2022, Festival Cinegro, Nottingham International Film Festival, and the Festival Internacional de Cine de Taxco in Mexico.