The Pattern / Vzorec


Dora Pejić Bach (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana)

2023, Slovenia, 2'44''

Mother pig steps on her piglet’s stomach and opens up a wound. Grandma Vera, who is a seamstress, takes the piglet into her care. She carefully sews up his wounds, creating beautiful patterns of old Slavic tablecloths on his skin.

Mama pujsa stopi na trebuh svojega pujska in odpre rano. Babi Vera, ki je šivilja, ga zato vzame k sebi. Pozorno zašije njegove rane in mu na koži ustvari čudovite vzorce starih slovanskih prtičkov.

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: clay animation, object animation, mixed, pixilation, cut-out animation

Written, directed, and animated: Dora Pejić Bach
Music: Vjeran Pejić Bach
Producer: Andrej Kamnik

Dora Pejić Bach

is an illustrator and animator from Croatia. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Illustration from the Academy of Fine arts and design in Ljubljana, Slovenia. After that, she spent a year working in Prague as an intern animator and prop-designer for Maur Film. Her passion is telling dream-like and surreal stories, focusing on illustrative, animated work and experimenting with different mediums.

Natalija Bračko