Just Keep Breathing / Samo dihaj


Anej Golčar (Royal College of Art)

2023, UK, 6'

Victor is stuck in a claustrophobic cabin of a low-budget airliner next to an inconsiderate and intrusive stranger. The crackling candy wrapper, the sickening sound of chewing, oh, Victor just wants some piece. Wait, is she offering him a piece of candy?

Victor je ujet na krovu klavstrofobičnega nizkocenovnega letala, ob njem pa sedi brezobzirna in vsiljiva neznanka. Šuštenje ovitka bonbona, ostuden zvok žvečenja, ah, Victor si samo želi nekaj miru. Čakaj, mu ponuja bonbon?

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film

Animation: Anej Golčar
Composer: Mary Offer

Anej Golčar

is a London-based aspiring director with an affinity for stop-motion puppet animation. He holds a BA in Animation from the Willem de Kooning Academie (Rotterdam, NL), and is currently finishing his master's studies at the Royal College of Art.

Natalija Bračko