The Goose / L’Oie du plus fort / Goska
Jan Mika (Animation People)
2022, Czech Republic, France, 12'30''
A boy fantasizes about becoming a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums - but first he has to win a match in a small backyard against a goose.
Fantič sanja, da bi postal slaven nogometaš in da bi igral v velikih stadionih. A najprej mora na majhnem dvorišču zmagati proti goski.
Techniques: puppet film, mixed
Written and directed: Jan Mika
Animation: Alfons Mensdorff Pouilly, Maxime Leclerc, Sylvain Rohart, Petr Charvát
Music: Viliam Béreš
Graphic Design: Jan Mika
Editing: Tomáš Vrána
Camera: Ivan Vít
Sound, Mix: Mirek Šmilauer
Producer: Michal Podhradsky
Distribution: Autour De Minuit
Jan Mika
was born in 1979, in Czech Republic. He obtained his bachelor degree at the FAMU in Prague (Directing) and his Master Degree at the FAMO in Pisek (visual effects and classic animation). He focuses mainly on animated and hybrid films.