Ignasi Tarruella
2022, Spain, 4'44''
In a world of toys a wooden robot feels lonely. Suddenly another robot appears but he or she doesn't want anything about him. He has to find out the way to establish a relationship.
Lesen robot je osamljen v svetu igrač. Naenkrat se pojavi drug robot, ampak očitno ne želi imeti ničesar z njim. Naš robot mora poiskati način, kako vzpostaviti odnos.
Technique: puppet film
Ignasi Tarruella
has been interested in animation since he was young. Currently he is a tv series director and has been working in Barcelona and Madrid. Six years ago he came back to animation, to stop motion particularly and has been happy doing it again. He shot three short films: Sun-Kissed (Al sol, 2019), Swing (2022) and An Exemplary Crime (2023). The last one as a final task in the Aardman academy course, Stop Motion 2.