Movement / Mouvement, Sur Le Toit De La Ville Béton / Gibanje nad betonskim mestom


Valentine Moser (Helium Films)

2022, Switzerland, 7'30''

They have a job that suits them, enjoy their colleagues and take time to enjoy the simple things around them. They wake up every morning next to their loved one. Yet they no longer enjoy anything…

Imata službo, ki jima ustreza, dobro se razumeta s sodelavci in vzameta si čas, da uživata v preprostih stvareh, ki ju obkrožajo. Vsako jutro se zbudita ob svojem_ji ljubljenem_i. Pa vendar v ničemer več ne uživata …

Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: puppet film

Written and directed, graphic design, editing: Valentine Moser
Animation: Eric Montchaud, Constantin Rytz, Valentine Moser
Music: Lucas Moser
Sets: Diane De Ribaupierre, Tho Nhguyen Dang, Yaeka Tabara, Valentine Moser
Camera: Aurélie Sprenger
Sound Design: Aline Schoch
Sound Editing: Thomas Gassman
Foley: Dieter Hebben
Puppets: Personne N’est Parfait!
Producer: Clemence Pun
Distribution: Wasia Distribution

Valentine Moser

Born in 1995 in Neuchatel (Switzerland) Valentine Moser obtained her Animation Cinema Bachelor's degree in 2018 from the HSLU (Hochschule Luzern, Design & Arts), and is working as a director and animator since, on stop motion and 2D projects. She has collaborated among others on "Écorce" by Samuel Patthey and Silvain Monney, which won the Cristal for short film at Annecy in 2021.

Natalija Bračko