Giù Cun Giuali
Michela Anedda (ISRE Sardegna)
2023, Italy, 2'43''
One day Giù fell and got all dirty. His cousin Giuali showed him how to not despair, teaching him that even the dog with the most fleas has something good to say.
Giù nekega dne pade in se umaže. Njegov bratranec Giuali ga nauči, naj ne obupa, saj ima tudi pes z največ bolhami kaj dobrega za povedati.
Technique: cut-out animation
Written, directed, and animated: Michela Anedda
Music: Simone Mura
Concept Artist: Marina Brunetti
Michela Anedda
is an independent director, writer and stop motion animator based in Sardinia. She took her MA degree at the ECA in 2013, presenting the short film Cogas as final project, a Sardinian-themed animated short film that was selected in numerous international festivals. Her personal and visual research consists of embedding Sardinian traditions in her works, re-elaborating them.