Foot Print Shop / Prodajalna stopinj
Gina Kamentsky
2022, USA, 3'47''
"Pisces have big feet and big hands!" The filmmaker and her mom talk about feet, her mom does most of the talking.
»Če si po horoskopu riba, imaš velika stopala in velike roke!« Filmarka in njena mama govorita o stopalih. No, v glavnem govori mama.
Recommended for children under 14: yes
Technique: pixilation
Animation: Gina Kamentsky
Music: Eddie Lang
Cast: Marcia Kamentsky
Gina Kamentsky
is an experimental animator and sound artist based in Providence Rhode Island. Her anxious and joyful short films blast out at twenty-four frames per second searing eyeballs and sending waves of buzz and crackle into the ether. Over her three decade career she’s progressed through numerous forms including painting, drawing and collaging on film, Rotoscope, Musique concrète, sound collage, stop motion and Pixilation. Kamentsky’s films have screened at festivals nationally and worldwide including Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Annecy International Animation Film Festival.