Evolution Is the Right Solution / Prajuha se kuha


Ana Prebil (University of Nova Gorica School of Arts)

2022, Slovenia, 4'49''

The primordial soup is cooking and in it the most peculiar organisms whose curiosity soon takes them on a journey to walk on land where they keep evolving and hanging out with other animals and beings until they fall out of symbiosis.

Prajuha se kuha, v njej pa so najnenavadnejši organizmi. Njihova radovednost jih hitro popelje na popotovanje hoje po kopnem, kjer se razvijajo še naprej in družijo z drugimi živalmi, dokler se njihova simbioza ne razblini.

Technique: cut-out animation

Written and directed: Ana Prebil
Animation: Ana Prebil, Anja Paternoster
Music: Miha Šajina

Ana Prebil

is an animator currently finishing her studies at the School of arts University of Nova Gorica. Besides animation she also paints, does illustrations and design. In her free time she loves to walk on meadows, in forests or galleries and museums, listening to music, audio books and cool podcasts.

Natalija Bračko