Bruno Quast (EKA Estonian Academy of Arts)
2021, Estonia, 6'28''
Bernie Krause's niche theory is that an animal's voice evolved in a way to occupy its own little, unique acoustic slot within a whole soundscape.
Nišna teorija Bernieja Krausa govori, da se je zvok oglašanja živali razvil tako, da je zapolnil svoje edinstveno akustično mesto v celotni zvočni krajini.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: drawing on paper, 3D computer, potos
Bruno Quast
is an animation artist and sound designer from Italy leaning to literature, with a background in classical piano, electroacoustic music and contemporary art. Discovering animation in Estonia and intrigued by new possible uses of sound, he makes films and sound design works that toured several international festivals.