Ista zgodba / It's the Same Story / Baat Wahi Hai
Nina Sabnani (Industrial Design Center IIT Bombay)
2011, India, 13'38''
Dva pripovedovalca se prerekata zaradi svojih različic zgodbe o Shravanu Kumarju. Kot vizualije v filmu so uporabljene podobe s prenosnega lesenega svetišča, imenovanega kaavad. Pri nastanku filma so sodelovali tako tradicionalni pripovedovalci zgodb s kaavadom kot kaavadski slikarji iz Radžastana.
Two storytellers argue about their version of a story on Shravan Kumar. The visuals use painted images from the wooden portable shrine called the Kaavad; traditional Kaavad storytellers and the Kaavad artists from Rajasthan worked on the film.
Technique: Mixed
Language: Hindi
Voices: Papuram Rav (first storyteller), Kojaram Rav (second storyteller)
Kaavad artists: Satyanaraya Suthar, Mangilal Mistry, Ghanshyamji Suthar
DOP, animation: Nina Sabnani
DOP, live-action: Sudesh Balan, Chandrakesh (James)
Animation: Ketki Saxena, Sonal Gupta, Abhey Singh, Ajay Koli
Music & Sound Mixing: Narayan Parasuram
Nina Sabnani
is an artist and storyteller who uses film, illustration and writing to tell her stories. She graduated in painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Vadodara and received a master's degree in film from Syracuse University, NY, which she pursued as a Fulbright Fellow in 1997. Her doctoral research at the IDC focused on Rajasthan's Kaavad storytelling tradition. After teaching for two decades at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, Nina has made Mumbai her home. She is Associate Professor at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay. Nina's research interests include exploring the dynamics between words and images in storytelling. Her work in film and illustrated books, seeks to bring together animation and ethnography.