Jaz / I / Moi
Inés Sedan (Sacrebleu Productions)
2012, France, 5'37''
V strogem in zelo nadzorovanem svetu mora moški skrivati svojo homoseksualnost in ples, dokler ne zbere poguma za soočenje s pravili in za razkritje svoje resnice.
In a rigid and highly controlled world, a man must hide his homosexuality and dance, until he gathers the courage to face these rules and reveal who he really is.
No dialogues
Ines Sedan
Born in Argentina, Inés Sedan is a painter, animator and clarinetist. In 2009, she directed her first professional short film: L'Homme qui dort (The Sleeping Man), co-produced by Sacrebleu Productions (France), Unité centrale and the NFB (National Film Board of Canada), which won more than 26 awards at the international level, including the SBS Special Prize and the 8th Unifrance Short Film Prize at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. In 2012, with her second film Moi produced by Sacrebleu Productions, she won second place for best animated film at the Underground Film Festival, New York. El Canto (2013) is her third film produced by Les films de l'Arlequin and ARTE, selected in competition at the Hiroshima Animation Festival as well as at Krok (Russia), Anima Mundi (Brazil), SICAF (Seoul) among others, and at the Annecy festival. With this film, she received the promotion award at the International Festival of Espinho Cinanima, Best animation, 2nd place at the Underground film festival in New York, Best Woman short film and Best animation short film at the festival Pontino del Cortometraggio in Italy. In 2016, some original drawings of El Canto are acquired by the Museum of the Castle of Annecy, to integrate the permanent collection dedicated to the Cinema of Animation. She is currently working on her new short film.