Gottlieb / Готлиб


Krste Gospodinovski (Uzengija)
2019, North Macedonia, 10'

Izgubljen v labirintu svoje podzavesti, se Gottlieb le stežka vrača v realnost. Ko poskuša dekonstruirati svoj izmišljeni svet, ogroža lastno življenje. Šele ko na koncu njegovi realnosti trčita, se zave, da je vklenil sam sebe.

Lost in the labyrinth of his subconsciousness, Gottlieb struggles to find his way back to reality. Provoking deconstruction of his make-believe world, he puts his life at risk. At the end, as his realities collide, he becomes aware of his self-imprisonment.

Technique: Mixed
Language: Macedonian

Krste Gospodinovski

born 15.08.1984 in Skopje - Republic of Macedonia. He studied painting at the National Art Academy – Sofia, where he also got his master's degree. Since 2009 he is an Associate Professor and head of the animation department at the University of Audiovisual Arts – Europa Prima – Skopje, from 2015 to 2018 on the Film Academy at the University Goce Delchev – Shtip, and since 2021 also at the International Balkan University in Skopje. He is a part of the production and distribution company Flip Book Productions, and one of the founders the festival for European short animated films, Flipbook Film Festival in Skopje As an author he has several independent short animated films, and two financed: Gottlieb (2019) and Snakelet (2020) wcich was co-directed with Zharko Ivanov and Kristina Gacova. As a director of animation he worked on animated films such as “Shadows” (2013) „Round Trip: Mary“ (2016) and „The Monk" (2017). In the field of visual effects, he is the author of animation, compositing and vfx on several local and international projects such as “Sarah, the Myth” (2011), “Children of the Sun“ (2014), “The Woman of My Life” – Bulgaria (2015), “Down from Heaven“ (2015), “When the trees fall” – Ukraine (2018).

Natalija Bračko