Ribček / Fishboy
Anita Bruvere (NFTS)
2018, UK, 8'42''
Ribček živi v mraku, krivda ga počasi požira. Njegova punca Laura je žarek svetlobe v njegovem temačnem svetu, toda kljub vsem njenim prizadevanjem, se Ribček ne more nehati ukvarjati s svojo težavno preteklostjo.
FishBoy lives in darkness, his guilt slowly consuming him. His girlfriend Laura is a glimpse of light in his dark world, but despite her best efforts, FishBoy is unable to let go of his troubled past.
Technique: Puppet film
Language: English
Scriptwriter: Bethe Townsend
Animator: Anita Bruvere
Editing: Tine Lykke Jensen
Music composer: Seymour Milton
Sound: Breen Turner
Production Design: Alice La Trobe
DOP: Bertrand Rocourt
Anita Bruvere
is a director and animator from Latvia, currently based in UK. As a filmmaker she is interested in connecting personal to the universal in telling stories that use unconventional narratives to create a sensation or feeling. With a particular flair for experimentation that stems from her background in fine arts, she is fascinated by combining different animation techniques in innovative and unfamiliar ways. She has a BA in Animation from Sheffield Hallam University and an MA in Directing Animation from the National Film and Television School.