Hčere vetra / The Girls of The Wind / Les Filles Du Vent
Héloïse Ferlay (Tant Mieux Prod)
2021, France, 3’
Mlado dekle, ki išče neodvisnost, nepričakovano obiščejo Hčere vetra. Te ji dajo upanje in zagon za rast. Začenja se nov dan.
Searching for independence, a young girl receives an unexpected visit from the Daughters of Wind. They give her hope and momentum to grow. A new day is dawning.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation
Language: French
Scriptwriter/s: Heloise Ferlay
Editing: Thomas Grandremy
Foley: Gregory Vincent
Music: Julien Divisia
Mix: Aymeric Dupas
Sound Editing: Kevin Feildel
Voice Cast: Billie Chedid
Héloïse Ferlay
grew up in Savoy, and then moved to Paris where she graduated at the Parisian art school École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. Her short film “Geôlier” was her first stop motion experiment, and then shed directed “Yola” with animated paint. Produced in stop motion, her graduation film “To the Dusty Sea” is traveling around the world and was awarded more than 30 times in festivals.