Počasna svetloba / Slow Light
Kijek/Adamski (Animoon)
2022, Poljska / Portugalska, 10'59''
Deček, ki se je rodil slep, pri sedmih letih nenadoma zagleda svetlobo. Zdravniški pregled pokaže, da so njegove oči tako goste, da traja sedem let, preden svetloba doseže mrežnico, slika pa njegovo zavest.
A boy who was born blind suddenly at the age of seven sees a light. A medical examination reveals that his eyes are so dense that it takes seven years for the light to reach the retina and hence for the image to reach his consciousness.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Cut-out animation
Language: English
Animators: Ala Nunu, João Gonzalez, Jakub Kaczmarek, Bartosz StĘpnik
Scriptwriters: Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski
Music: Piotr KaliŃski
Katarzyna Kijek, Przemysław Adamski
Graduated from two faculties (graphic arts and animation) at Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Her first music video created with Przemysław Adamski (as Kijek/Adamski) won her best Polish animated MV award. Further realizations brought more recognition on international festivals (main prizes in Annecy and Zagreb among others). The duo works in various mediums creating short films, commissioned animations and music videos experimenting with different materials and techniques.