Dežni deček / Rainboy / Kišni Dječak


Sandra Marić (Aeon Production)
2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 4’05’’

Dežni deček in njegov dežni oblak živcirata mimoidoče že od vsega začetka – nihče noče biti moker. Deček se odpravi na pot in najde svoj smoter: z oblakom bosta potovala in delala dobra dela. Toda nesebično pomaganje drugim ima svojo ceno.

Rainboy and his raining cloud annoy passers-by from the very beginning of the story – nobody wants to be wet. He starts a journey and finds his purpose – he and his cloud will travel and do good. However, unselfishly giving help to others has its price.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation
No dialogues

Scriptwriter: Sandra Marić
Animator: Sandra Marić
Music: Mario Nikolić

Sandra Marić

(1995) studies animation at the Academy of Arts, University of Banja Luka. She was a part of project “” and undergraduate short “Together”, done with her classmates. This is her graduate short, and a first author movie.

Natalija Bračko