Človeški viri / Human Resources / Ressources Humaines
Trinidad Plass, Titouan Tillier, Isaac Wenzek (EMCA)
2022, Francija, 3'30''
Andy se v spremstvu prijatelja, ki vse snema, odpravi na svoj termin za reciklažo. Sprejme ga Wanda, tajnica podjetja.
Andy, followed by a friend who is filming the scene, goes to his recycling appointment. Wanda, the secretary of the company, welcomes him.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Mixed
Language: French
Scriptwriters: Titouan Tillier, Trinidad Plass, Isaac Wenzek
Animators: Titouan Tillier, Trinidad Plass, Isaac Wenzek
Actors: Sylvain Debretagne, Emilie Mercier, Titouan Tillier
Trinidad Plass, Titouan Tillier, Isaac Wenzek
Trinidad Plass is franco-chilean and studies at EMCA. She is passionate about volume, textures and matter experimentation; Before Human Resources, she co-directed Grrrzzz, a short film about insomnia, with Isaac Wenzek.
Isaac Wenzek is pursuing animation studies at EMCA after a first diploma He directed and animated two short films, Upside Down and Weird Question.
Titouan Tillier is a human being. He studies animation and film directing at ESAAT and at EMCA. There he develops multiple short movies: The Same Chorus Again, Unamericana, Lovemi…