Radovednost / Curiosa


Tessa Moult-Milewska (NFTS)
2022, Združeno Kraljestvo, 9'35''

Preveč radovedna Mary prvič obišče stanovanje svojega fanta in ob tem opazi, da v njem ni nobenih osebnih stvari. Potem ko ji fant zadeve noče pojasniti, mu zleze v glavo.

An overly curious Mary visits her boyfriend’s flat for the first time, just to discover it’s been stripped bare of all personal belongings. After being denied explanation, she climbs into his head.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Puppet film, pixilation
Language: English

Animator: Ollie Griffitsh
Scriptwriter: Tessa Moult-milewska, Matt Dicky
Music: Casper Leopard

Tessa Moult-Milewska

is a British-Polish writer and animation director, a graduate of the National Film and Television School. Her go-to style of animation is stop-motion, but she’s also directed 2D animated kids series, experimented in mix-media as well as worked in advertising. She specialises in short forms with a quirky sense of humour and a dark, whimsical tone. Tessa also brought to life the Warsaw Animation Film Festival and is a board member of the Ex Anima Foundation and a member of the Polish Filmmakers Association.

Natalija Bračko