

Eliana Fernandez, Sofia Caponnetto
2021, Uruguay, 4’

Domišljija in fantastika sta Abril sčasoma nehali ščititi pred realnostjo, v kateri je živela. Vse dokler ni nekega dne odkrila nove oblike pobega, ki ji je za vselej spremenila življenje.

There came a time in Abril’s life when imagination and fantasy stopped protecting her from the reality in which she lived. Until one day she discovered a new form of escape that would change her life forever.

Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Technique: Puppet animation
No dialogues

Scriptwriters: Eliana Fernandez & Sofia Caponnetto
Animators: Eliana Fernandez & Sofia Caponnetto
Music: Rodrigo Espinosa Curbelo
Sound Design: Gonzalo Abal
Sound Mixing and Editing: Juan Manuel Puñales

Eliana Fernandez, Sofia Caponnetto

are two animation and video game design students at ORT university Uruguay. As an assignment for a course they formed this team, motivated by their fascination for stop motion animation and all the interdisciplinary work it involves: Modeling, sewing, building, acting, photographing, lighting, etc. Sofía recently started working in the video game industry and her idea is to continue developing that path. Eliana has a fine arts background and has recently started working in animation. She would like to specialize in stop-motion animation from now on.

Natalija Bračko