Rites of Spring / Spomladanski obredi
Yiorgos Tsangaris
2021, CYP, 4'22''
Christian Orthodox tradition and travelling theatre troupes with their pagan roots are two seemingly opposite worlds, both mysterious and both enchanting to the author. Adapted from "An Unfinished Novel" by Kostis Kolotas.
Za krščansko pravoslavno tradicijo in potujoče gledališke skupine poganskih korenin se zdi, da prihajajo iz dveh nasprotujočih si svetov, ki sta za avtorja skrivnostna in čarobna. Film je adaptacija besedila »Nedokončan roman« Kostisa Kolotasa.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Drawing, prints, collage, digital
Languages: English (written)
Script and Animation: Yiorgos Tsangaris
Music: Antonis Antoniou
Production and Distribution: Yiorgos Tsangaris
Yiorgos Tsangaris
Yiorgos Tsangaris is a graphic artist, animation experimental filmmaker and the founder and Artistic director of Animafest Cyprus, the official International Animation Film Festival of Cyprus (est 2002). ‘Rites of Spring’ is his debut film.