Roots Home / Korenine domov
Audrey Rainville, Miriam Pelletier
2021, CAN, 3'3''
An interview-based documentary exploring indigenous identity and relationship towards the land. A poetic and touching visual story is intertwined in the lines of the interviewee, the two are intricately woven into one another.
Dokumentarec, ki temelji na intervjuju, raziskuje identiteto avtohtonih prebivalcev in njihov odnos do zemlje. Besede intervjuvanke soprepletene s poetično in ganljivo vizualno zgodbo.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Loose materials animation, Puppet animation, Object animation, Mixed
Language: English
Music: Dorian Bell
Animation: Audrey Rainville, Miriam Pelletier
Production and Distribution: Audrey Rainville
Audrey Rainville
A young artist from Québec, Canada. Her practice gravitates towards intersectional feminism and the recounting of stories through experimental and poetic animation. The use of fibers as a medium traditionally associated with women, allows to divert expectations and anchor the experience into an enhanced, yet tangible reality. Through those intertwined interests, the artist strives to create a fluid and open minded experience, inviting the viewer and the artist to collaborate and reveal their own understanding.