My Name is RED / Ime mi je RDEČA
Sadko Hadzihasanovic
2021, CAN, 0'55''
The morning shaving ritual suddenly ends with a cut. Blood becomes the colour red, which slowly covers the face and the screen.
Jutranji obred britja se nenadoma konča z rezom. Kri postane rdeča barva, ki počasi prekriva obraz in zaslon.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Loose materials animation, stop motion, soft pastel on paper
Language: English
Production and Distribution: Sadko Hadzihasanovic
Sadko Hadzihasanovic
Sadko is a visual artist who lives and works in Toronto. Occasionally he makes animated movies which he exhibited in museums and galleries. So far he made 4 short movies.