Opening evening: KIBLA/NSG × StopTrik = Lelee × Sasha Svirsky (AV)

Wednesday, 29. 9. 2021 / 22.00 / Vetrinj mansion, courtyard

The official opening of the festival will be followed in the courtyard of Vetrinjski dvor with socialising and dancing to contemporary versions of indie rhythms, supported by an attractive visual scenery.

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The enquiring Slovenian post-punk/power-pop trio Lelee is the embodiment of cross-cultural collaboration among Balkan musicians, from the Vardar river to Mount Triglav. With their witty and exciting indie guitar sound and the intertwining of male and female vocals in Macedonian and Serbian, they’ve quickly made a name for themselves on the regional alternative music scene. Damjan’s guitar jangles joyously, Jelena delivers bass lines that make your toes itch, and Jan makes sure that everything is tight, resulting in a perfect soundtrack for an alter evening in the Autumn garden. Their music could be characterised as imaginary Adriatic indie rock that is emotive, sincere and straightforward.



Sasha Svirsky

The visual enrichment of the evening will be provided by Sasha Svirsky, the Russian painter and one of the most fascinating contemporary artists of European animation. His particular "anti-aesthetics” may be described as a blissful, energetic and raw stream of visual metaphors.  


The music programme was created in cooperation with X-OP and KID KIBLA. This event is a part of Music cycle NSG - New Slovenian Music, organised by KID KIBLA and co-financed by Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Maribor. 

Kaja Fiedler