When We Fell / Ko smo padli

Ben Spooner, Morgan Twiston Davies (Ben Spooner)
UK, 2021, 4'3''


Landscapes give way, a bird flies by. A visual and musical collaboration that explores the wafer-thin line between freedom and obliteration.

Pokrajine so se vdale, ptica je letela mimo. Vizualno in glasbeno sodelovanje, ki raziskuje tanko mejo med svobodo in uničenjem.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: yes
Techniques: Loose materials animation, Cut-out animation combined with straight-ahead 2D charcoal animation
No dialogues

Music: Sponn
Animation: Morgan Twiston Davies

Ben Spooner and Morgan Twiston Davies 


A new, multidisciplinary filmmaking duo based in Luton and Brighton. They collaborate in spontaneous and surprising ways to explore shared experiences through original music, visual art and animation. Often this leads them to ponder life’s biggest themes, yet they always execute with a light-touch. With ambitious projects in the pipeline, this is the first of a suite of projects already underway.

Natalija Bračko