Kkum / 꿈
Kang-min Kim (Open The Portal, Studio Zazac)
2020, S.KOR, USA, 8'53''
My mother’s dreams have always been strong premonitions for important moments in my life. I rely on her dreams more than any religion.
Mamine sanje so bile vedno polne močnih slutenj o pomembnih trenutkih mojega življenja. Nanje se nanašam bolj kot na katerokoli vero.
Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Technique: Puppet animation
Language: Korean
Music: Barrett Slagle
Animation: Kang-min Kim
Production: David Braun, Jason Milov, KIM Ki-jin/Open The Portal, Studio Zazac
Distribution: KIAFA AniSEED
Kang-min Kim
1979 Born in Incheon, South Korea. 2011 Graduated from California Institute of the Arts. He is working as a freelance artist.