Eyes and Horns / Oči in rogovi

Chaerin Im (Fabian&Fred)
2021, GER, S.KOR, USA, 6'15''


The exploration of masculinity begins with the Minotaur, a mythical creature Picasso used to portray himself in his etching print series. The Minotaur goes through a violent struggle between being male and female. Finally, lines blur and boundaries of sexes disappear.

Raziskovanje moškosti se začne z Minotavrom, mitskim bitjem, ki ga je Picasso upodobil na svojih jedkanicah. Minotaver gre skozi nasilen boj med moškim in žensko. Ločnice se zameglijo in meje med spoloma izginejo.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: 2D, object animation, stop-motion photography, printmaking
No dialogue

Script: Chaerin Im
Music: Karie Jacobson, Drew Kowalski
Animation: Chaerin Im
Production and Distribution: Fabian Driehorst (Fabian&Fred)

Chaerin Im


Chaerin Im (born 1994 in Seoul) is an experimental filmmaker from South Korea with a focus on animation, living and working in Los Angeles / Ann Arbor. With the use of craftsmanship and distinctive materials, she explores gender issues and sexual imagery. She graduated from Seoul National University’s Visual Communication Design BFA program (2017) and earned an MFA degree from the CalArts Experimental Animation MFA program (2020). Her films have competed in widely-known festivals such as Annecy, Ann Arbor, Animafest Zagreb, DOK Leipzig, Ottawa, Vienna Shorts, Slamdance, and GLAS.

Natalija Bračko