Events Meant to Be Forgotten / Dogadjaji za zaboraviti / Dogodki, namenjeni pozabi

Marko Tadić (Kreativni sindikat)
2020, CRO, 6'


Filmed on 16 mm film, this visual expression is rooted in archival material and based on a poem by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. It speaks of forgotten people, their lives and their deeds. The two archives were found at a flea market in Zagreb.

Vizualni izraz, posnet na 16-milimetrski film, ki temelji na arhivskem gradivu in pesmi Hansa Magnusa Enzensbergerja. Govori o pozabljenih ljudeh, njihovem življenju in dejanjih. Oba arhiva sta bila najdena na bolšjem sejmu v Zagrebu.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: No
Techniques: Object animation, Mixed
Language: Croatian

Script: Marko Tadić
Music: Miro Manojlović
Animation: Marko Tadić
Editing: Iva Blašković, Miro Manojlović
Production: Igor Grubić (Kreativni sindikat)
Distribution: Bonobostudio

Marko Tadić

Marko Tadic (1979) studied painting at the Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence. His artistic practice focuses on drawing, installation and animation. He has won numerous art prizes. His films have been shown at many international animation and experimental film festivals. His works have been exhibited in many solo and group exhibitions around the world. In 2017, he represented Croatia at the 57th Venice Biennale, along with Tina Gverovic. He participated in residential programs in Helsinki, New York, Los Angeles, Frankfurt and Vienna. He works at the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia

Natalija Bračko