Balance / Ravnovesje

Timothée Crabbé (LUCA School of Arts, Timothée Crabbé)
2019, BEL, 7'2''


Partners on stage and in life, acrobats Alec and Theo find each other in a perfect balance between lifting and flying, between leading and following, until this fragile balance is turned upside down by an accident.

Akrobata Alec in Theo, partnerja na odru in v življenju, sta v popolnem ravnovesju med dviganjem in letenjem, med vodenjem in sledenjem, dokler nesreča tega krhkega ravnovesja ne postavi na glavo.



Recommended for children under 14 years old: Yes
Techniques: Puppet animation
No dialogues

Script: Timothée Crabbé
Music: Simon Leleux & Nicolas Marchant
Animation: Timothée Crabbé
Production: LUCA School of Arts & Timothée Crabbé

Timothée Crabbé

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Timothée Crabbé graduated in June 2019 at LUCA School of Arts, Sint-Lukas Brussels in animation film. During his studies he discovered stop-motion animation through the work of his teachers Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels. He is now working as an animator at Beast animation studio (Belgium).

Kaja Fiedler