Slovenian folk tales

Friday, 1. 10. 2021 / 9.00 / Maribor Puppet Theatre

Contemporary animated adaptations of three folk tales.
4+, 34’

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Peter Peter / Peter Peter

Katarina Nikolov (Tramal Film)
2015, SLO, 10'54''

A modern story finds the solution in the wisdom of an old Slovenian tale about Peter Klepec. The story navigates between the present and the past in an original way and intertwines them with a lyrical narrative in verse seeking its inspiration in contemporary rap music. It carries a clear message, “Take a stand for yourself!”.


Kralj Matjaž / King Matjaž

Katarina Nikolov (Iridium film)
2018, SLO, 10'35''

 The seven-year-old Ilona visits her old mysterious neighbour Mr. Matjaž. He is an exceptional storyteller. They are soon drawn into a picturesque story about the Slovenian king Matjaž. They create their own imaginary world. Ilona wittily intervenes in the story with her fantasies and humorously intertwines it with the present; in the end she discovers her neighbour’s great secret.

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Povodni mož / Water man

Katarina Nikolov
2020, SLO, 12'

A short animated film brings the story of four-year-old Max and his teenage sister Ema who make their boring shopping trip to a large shopping centre more fun with a Slovenian folk tale; it teaches them that the most valuable things in life cannot be bought. 

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Katarina Nikolov

Kaja Fiedler