The battle of curators in animated music videos

Thursday, 30.9.2021 / 22:00 / Vetrinj mansion, courtyard


Originally planned for 2020, a long awaited new StopTrik form of entertainment, M-V BATTLE, is finally going to happen! The programme directors of two StopTrik's partner festivals from Croatia, Daniel Šuljić (Animafest Zagreb World Festival of Animated Film) and Slave Lukarov (Supertoon International Animation Festival), take great pleasure in programming inventive animated music videos of high artistic quality at their festivals. The attractiveness of music video form frequently lies in its capacity to freely break the rudiments of creation and perception in a provocative and experimental manner. The battle at the Vetrinjski dvor courtyard will be fought with the means of spontaneously selected programmers' favourite clips, interactions occurring between the clashing programmers, cheering audiences, and overwhelmingly vigorous animation.

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Kaja Fiedler