Animation as a weapon against TERRORISM / Animacija kot orožje proti TERORIZMU
Journal animé / Animiran dnevnik
Donato Sansone (Autour de minuit)
2016, FRA, 3’3'0”
An artistic improvisation in real time led day in and day out, inspired by international events as taken from the pages of the French daily newspaper Libération.
Umetniška improvizacija v realnem času, ki jo je avtor izvajal iz dneva v dan po navdihu mednarodnega dogajanja, kot ga je povzemal francoski časnik Libération.
Animation: Donato SANSONE
Editing: Donato SANSONE
Music: Enrico ASCOLI
Production: NICOLAS SCHMERKIN (Autour de minuit)
Donato Sansone
He specialized in mixing traditional and experimental animation techniques with live action. He used to work as a freelance artist with the most creative advertising agencies and music labels in Italy. In 2015, he made the short film Journal animé and was nominated for an animation Oscar in 2016 and for a César award in 2017. selected filmography: PORTRAIT, 2014 GROTTESQUEPHOTOBOOTH, 2013 TOPO GLASSATO AL CIOCCOLATO, 2012 VIDEOGIOCCO, 2009 LOVECUBE, 2003