Animation as a weapon against RACISM / Animacija kot orožje proti RASIZMU
Chronicles of a Lying Spirit by Kelly Gabron / Kronike lažnivega duha Kelly Gabron
Cauleen Smith
1992, ZDA, 8’
Male and female voice-overs clash in telling the biographical story of an artist. The film returns to the same cycle of images and scrolling texts to reveal that a person’s story can depend on who is telling it.
Moški in ženski glas se spopadata pri pripovedovanju biografske zgodbe umetnice. Film se vrne v isti cikel slik in drsenja besedil, da razkrije, da je človekova zgodba lahko odvisna od tega, kdo jo pripoveduje.
Cinematography, Editor, Sound Design: Cauleen Smith
Cauleen Smith
Born in Riverside, California, 1967. She is an interdisciplinary artist whose work reflects upon the everyday possibilities of the imagination. Operating in multiple materials and arenas, Smith roots her work firmly within the discourse of mid-twentieth-century experimental film. Drawing from structuralism, third world cinema, and science fiction, she makes things that deploy the tactics of these disciplines while offering a phenomenological experience for spectators and participants. Her films, objects, and installations have been featured in group exhibitions. Studio Museum of Harlem, Houston Contemporary Art Museum; Yerba Buena Center for Art, and the New Museum, New York, D21 Leipzig and Decad, Berlin. She has had solo shows for her films and installations at The Kitchen, MCA Chicago, Threewalls, Chicago. She shows her drawings and 2D work with Corbett vs. Dempsey. Smith is the recipient of several grants and awards including the Rockefeller Media Arts Award, Creative Capital Film /Video, Chicago 3Arts Grant, and the Foundation for Contemporary Arts, Chicago Expo Artadia Award, and Rauschenberg Residency. Smith was born in Riverside, California and grew up in Sacramento. She earned a BA in Creative Arts from San Francisco State University and an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Theater Film and Television. Smith is based in the great city of Chicago and serves as faculty for the Vermont College of Fine Arts low-residency MFA program.