Animation as a weapon against DISMALITY / Animacija kot orožje proti POTRTOSTI



You Take Care Now / Pazi nase
Ann Marie Fleming
1989, CAN, 10’33”

Acknowledging traumatic violations on one’s own terms.

Priznavanje travmatičnih izkušenj pod lastnimi pogoji.

Script & production: Ann Marie Fleming
Distribution: Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre
A student film made on 16mm, and incorporating found footage, original material, animation, and processed images.


Ann Marie Fleming has written, directed and produced several award-winning shorts including Waving, You Take Care Now, and New Shoes: An Interview In Exactly Five Minutes, which received an Honourable Mention at the 1990 Toronto Festival of Festivals. In 1990, she completed her first feature New Shoes, which screened at film festivals in Berlin, Rotterdam, Montreal and Toronto. In 1991, Fleming completed Pioneers of X-Ray Technology: A Film about Grandpa and in 1992 So Far So... an animated film which has also been screened internationally. At the Canadian Film Centre in Toronto she finished three films: La Fabula Della Bella Familia, Auf Du World; Buckingham Palace; and It’s Me, Again..., a mockumentary on twins. Recent projects include two animated films, I Love My Work and My Boyfriend Gave Me Peaches. She completed her MFA at Simon Fraser University and her feature-length documentary, The Magical Life of Long Tak Sam, premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2003.

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